About Us

This journal aims to build a cross-national, cross-regional academic platform for Chinese language education.

About Us

The International Journal of Chinese Language Education (IJCLE) is jointly published by the Department of Chinese Language Studies at The Education University of Hong Kong, the Chinese Language Program at Columbia University and Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd. This journal aims to build a cross-national, cross-regional academic platform for Chinese language education. It will consolidate the knowledge and strengths of scholars and experts in Greater China, Asia, North America and Europe to enhance the research in Chinese education and investigate the significance of Chinese culture in the world today.

International Journal of Chinese Language Education

Journal Title

International Journal of Chinese Language Education


2520-7733 (Print); 2521-4241 (Online)


Department of Chinese Language Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong

Chinese Language Program, Columbia University

Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd.

Place of Publication

Hong Kong

Our Aim

This journal aims to build a cross-national, cross-regional academic platform for Chinese language education. It will consolidate the knowledge and strengths of scholars and experts in Greater China, Asia, North America and Europe to enhance the research in Chinese language education and investigate the significance of Chinese culture in the world today.

The Journal accepts papers with themes covering relevant areas of global Chinese education of theoretical research and action research, including language, culture, curriculum, teaching materials, teaching and learning, assessment, teacher development and other areas.

  • Research on Chinese as a first and second language, such as curriculum, teaching materials, teaching methods, assessment, and the development of Chinese teachers;
  • Research on Chinese learners, the Chinese acquisition process, as well as research in psychology, pedagogy, and other disciplines related to Chinese learning;
  • A contrastive study of Chinese and other languages;
  • Research on cultural contrast and cross-cultural communication;
  • Book reviews and academic developments.

Two issues per year, published in June and December.

Chinese or English

Address: B3-1/F-44, Department of Chinese Language Studies,The Education University of Hong Kong,10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2948 7688 / (852) 2948 6361

Fax: (852) 2948 7207

Email: ijcle@eduhk.hk

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