Manuscript Format

This journal aims to build a cross-national, cross-regional academic platform for Chinese language education.

Manuscript Format
  1. Each paper has about 8,000-10,000 words. Title, abstract (about 300 words) and key words (four to five) should be in both Chinese and English.
  2. Only manuscripts submitted in a computer format are acceptable. Please use Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) and Portable Document Format (.pdf). Make sure that the contents of both formats are consistent and correct.
  3. Font: Traditional Chinese characters should be in Microsoft MingLiu. Simplified Chinese characters should be in FangSong. The font size of the title should be 16, first-level subtitle 14, the body 12. Use Times New Roman font for English and numerals.
  4. All in-text citations and references must be in accordance with the APA format. Use footnotes. If an online resource is quoted, the website address and the date it was accessed should be included.
    Examples of in-text citations:
    • If an idea is taken from a periodical or book, use the format(黃立權,2013)
    • If an idea is quoted from a journal or original text, use the format (關錦繡,2008,頁 31-37)
    • If an idea is quoted from various authors, use the format (White, 1994, pp. 78-91; Scott, 1997, p. 35)
  5. All graphs should be printed in black and white. Complex graphs should be accompanied by a high-definition JPEG file.
  6. Please use the following format for your references:
    • Chinese Books
      朱家科 (2009):《大學英語教學中的文化教學》,武漢,華中科技大學出版社。
    • Chinese book chapters
      田仲 (1996):語言與文化,輯於《外語教學》,(頁 6-13),長沙,湖南教育出版社。
    • Chinese journal articles
      周清海 (2017):「大華語」與華文教學,《國際中文教育學報》, 1,1-19。
    • Internet Resources
      香港政府統計處 (2016):《香港二零一六年中期人口統計 – 簡要報告》,檢自,檢索日期:2021.6.8
    • English Books
      Stern, H. H. (1992). Issues and options in language teaching. Oxford University Press.
    • Articles or Chapters in Edited Books
      Nostrand, H. L. (1966). Describing and teaching the sociocultural context of a foreign language and literature. In A. Valdman (Ed.), Trends in language teaching (pp. 1-25). McGraw-Hill.
    • Articles in Periodicals
      Giles, H., & Byrne. J. L. (1982). An intergroup approach to second language acquisition. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 3(1), 17-40.
    • Electronic Sources
      Allington, D. (2008). Discourse and the reception of literature: Problematizing ‘reader response’ [Doctoral dissertation, University of Stirling]

The Chinese references should be arranged in the order of pinyin of authors’ names.

For more details on the APA format, please refer to:

https: //

Publication Guidelines
  1. All manuscripts will go through a preliminary internal review and an anonymous external review.
  2. The preliminary review is conducted by the editorial board and the external review by international experts.
  3. A publishable paper should be rated as “Recommended for Publication” by at least two international experts.
  4. All reviewing is conducted through the online system.
  5. The editorial board reserves the right to revise all submissions. Those who do not want the editorial board do so, please specify.
  6. Submitted manuscripts are not returnable. Please retain the original.
  7. The manuscript should be original. The author is not permitted to submit it to other journals while it is being processed by this journal.
  8. The author must ensure that the manuscript is not illegal and does not infringe upon the copyright of others. He/she is deemed legally responsible for the manuscript.
  9. The author must agree to a non-exclusive licence for the following purposes:
  10. Once the author accepts the publication of his/her manuscript, he/she should sign the Copyright Agreement Form and send it to the editorial office via email by the deadline.
  11. The author will receive two copies of the issue of the journal containing his/her article.

Please select “Online Submission” under “Submission” to fill in the basic information and upload the manuscript.

The preliminary review usually takes two months. The author can select “Status” under “Submission” in this website at any time to view the progress of the review.

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