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An Investigation of the Technology-Mediated Extension of Language Learning Space in Learning Chinese as a Second Language –Two Case Studies of Singapore Seamless Learning MyCLOUD and LI-nterChange

AW, Guat Poh; WONG, Lung Hsiang; LEK, Hui Ying / June 2019 / Issue No.5 /


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The proliferation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offers the opportunities for the construction of a potentially effective technological environment for language learning. We refer to such an environment as “Technology- Enhanced Optimal Language Learning Space”. Such a learning space extends the language learners’ conventional classroom-bound learning trajectory to their open-ended authentic daily living spaces. Furthermore, it facilitates the bridging of formal and informal learning, and individual and social learning, and makes the learning experience cross-contextual, more contextualised and interactive, as well as privileges learners’ self-directed-ness in identifying emerging learning opportunities to carry out linguistic tasks in their daily lives. This paper reports on two seamless learning case studies of such learning spaces, code-named MyCLOUD and LInterChange respectively. The intentions were to investigate the significance of technology-mediated extension of language learning space in learning Chinese as a second language. The studies are rooted in Bernard Spolsky’s Conditions for Second Language Learning. Our findings indicate that the “Technology-Enhanced Optimal Language Learning Spaces” were effective in improving the learners’ communicative skills. However, given the diversified backgrounds of the learners, what contextual learning opportunities that the learners have encountered and how they leverage on such opportunities also varied.


technology-enhanced optimal language learning space conditions for second language learning seamless learning


International Journal of Chinese Language Education; Jun 2019; Issue No. 5; p.109 - 131


Department of Chinese Language Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong
Chinese Language Program, Columbia University
Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd.




2520-7733 (Print); 2521-4241 (Online)

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