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Research on the Effective Operation of Chinese Teachers’ Classroom Language

YANG, Daolin / June 2020 / Issue No.7 /


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The effective operation of the classroom language of Chinese teachers refers to how to follow the objective laws of teaching activities, how to abide by the principles, and how to achieve specific teaching objectives with as little time, energy and material resources as possible. Namely, is to let the classroom language, which includes introduction language, interpretation language, questioning language, adaptation language and ending language, play a role and guide the students to not only cultivate exploratory spirit by acquiring knowledge, training skills and developing intelligence in learning Chinese (language, essay, literature), but enhance their aesthetic ability by purifying minds and elevating tastes. To help students build a healthy personality and cultivate talents with the qualities of “pursuing the truth”, “imposing good behaviors” and “advocating virtues” is helpful to them to enter a new realm of “human development and integrity construction”. Chinese teachers should pay attention to the effective operation of the classroom language, so as to adapt to the developing teaching situation and achieve the desired teaching result.


Chinese teacher classroom teaching classroom language effective operation


International Journal of Chinese Language Education; Jun 2020; Issue No. 7; p.107 – 124


Department of Chinese Language Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong
Chinese Language Program, Columbia University
Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd.




2520-7733 (Print); 2521-4241 (Online)

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