The previous research concerning the Chinese competence remains two serious problems; one of these is the tendency to make the general or even ambiguous description of the Chinese competence within the macro level of “category”; another is the disorder in the description of the competence in listening, speaking, reading, writing with a relative lack of consistency in descriptive method. The research of Chinese competence needs to be reversed: the level of Chinese competence should be transferred to specific functions of the real context. That means we should judge people’s the listening, speaking, reading and writing within the real context in terms of the function type, and then refine the stable and instinctive competence factors as well as make a clear description of these factors in a detailed way. In do so, we will build up the hierarchy classification of the factors for Chinese competence and resource pool in the regard.
Chinese competence descriptive level listening speaking reading writing real context competence factors
International Journal of Chinese Language Education; June 2017; Issue No. 1; p.21 - 38
Department of Chinese Language Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong
Chinese Language Program, Columbia University
Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd.
2520-7733 (Print); 2521-4241 (Online)
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