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The Methodology of Different Characteristics of Languages and Cultures—A Relook at Chew Cheng Hai’s Educational Philosophy

DONG, Weiwu; TAN, Chee Lay / June 2020 / Issue No.7 /


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Multilingualism and cultural differences exist objectively, and the resulting problems of language and cultural differences, too, exist objectively. In order to solve the challenges brought about by linguistic and cultural differences, various civilizations in human history have, for a long time, made unremitting explorations, and formed diverse methodological landscapes. Among them, the immersion theory created by professor. Chew Cheng Hai (Zhou Qinghai) represents the contemporary "Singapore experience" in the field of multilingual and cultural differences, as well as the contemporary international level of the methodology of linguistic and cultural differences. On the basis of Progressivist philosophy, the theory of immersion includes the fundamental gist of melting, immersion and different characteristical harmony. It has a distinct theoretical personality characterized by gradualness and harmony, and shows three theoretical advantages of advancement, stability and pragmatism. It is a methodology with massive practical potential and broad space for social development. It will certainly be provided that human beings needs viable solutions of reducing conflicts and even wars originated from languages and cultures, and therefore have a far-reaching and super-historic significance.


language and culture different characteristics methodology harmony different characteristical harmony


International Journal of Chinese Language Education; Jun 2020; Issue No. 7; p.83 – 106


Department of Chinese Language Studies, The Education University of Hong Kong
Chinese Language Program, Columbia University
Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.) Ltd.




2520-7733 (Print); 2521-4241 (Online)

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